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What is amalgam?

Amalgam fillings are also known as silver fillings. amalgam; silver, tin and copper

It is obtained by mixing the alloy with mercury. Mercury, which makes up 45-50% of the mixture, metals

bonding them together, creating a durable filling material. Developed over 150 years

The amalgam fillings that are being used serve to protect many teeth and keep them in the mouth.

has done.


Is mercury in amalgam harmful?

The mercury in amalgam fillings is not toxic. Chemical structure of mercury when combined with other metals

changes and becomes harmless. The amount of mercury released in the mouth as a result of chewing and grinding is water,

is much smaller than the amount taken up in air and food. Mercury with all scientific research

It was concluded that it is harmless. It is thought to be formed by mercury when amalgams are removed.

Although it is claimed that some diseases can be cured, it has not been scientifically proven.

Why do dentists prefer amalgam?

Amalgam is still the most harmless, longest lasting and least expensive filler. over a billion a year

It was calculated that too much amalgam filling was made. Much shorter than other fillers

they can be applied quickly and easily. Filling materials such as porcelain, gold and white fillings

they are more expensive and require more time and attention. Also, other than gold, amalgam

not as long lasting. Amalgam can only be used in those who are definitely allergic to mercury.

should not be used, which is much less than one percent probability. when not needed

amalgam fillings should not be removed. Because it brings unnecessary costs and harms the tooth.

increases the probability of giving.

Warnings to the patient after amalgam restoration

Do not use the side where the application is made for at least one hour and be careful within the following 24 hours.

Patients should be asked not to chew hard things in that area by being careful. After 24 hours have passed, the patient

Then a second appointment should be made for the polishing process.

anatomical and functional aspects of post-use restoration as well as improving its properties.

will provide an opportunity for re-examination.

There may be a short-term hot-cold sensitivity after amalgam fillings.

is disappearing. However, although rare, in some people, when various metals are present in the mouth or

Sensitivity arising from electrification when another metal, such as a fork, enters

In case of sensitivities that do not go away, we are sure that the sensitivity is only for this reason.

The solution may be to replace the restoration with a non-metallic restorative after it is done.



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